Most powerful on the agenda may have been the renewal of Baptismal vows in the actual Jordan River. Following a meditation and a Peter Walker-led introduction, the men "dunked" one another.

Name those guys, blog readers. An amazing moment.

That skinny strip of water is the Jordan River. Don't know what church that is. Maybe one of the pilgrims will let us know.

This is Michael Escoe of Christian Leadership Concepts (CLC) in Atlanta. He is also the man sending me all these pix. Thank you, Michael!

Friendships being made across the globe. Here is Michael with our two Kenyan pilgrims, Martin in the black shirt and Julius in the yellow.
Pix from Wilson Bruce. Thanks Wilson!!
I spy Marion Hunter!
These next ones are from Jay - from yesterday.
Left to Right: Dustin, Michael, Scott, Randy and Peet - after the Dead Sea float, the men get to enjoy a libation at the Lowest Bar in the World.
Preparing to hike down the Wade Qelt- in the wilderness,
Hiking down the Wadi Qelt- the traditional area where it is thought that Jesus spent 40 days and 40 nights.
More from Wilson:
"I took these yesterday and they were appropriate with regard to one of our themes — men walking alongside each other, men need other men."

The group also visited the Sisters of Nazareth chapel and the Church of the Annunciation in Nazareth. It has beautiful stained glass windows.

The men are laying down their weary heads at Ramada Olivie Hotel in Nazareth.
Tomorrow: Sepphoris and the Jesus Trail down through the Arbel Pass.
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